*You may want to pause the music player at the bottom of the page if you are not in the mood for some tunes.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Last Time You...

If you ever look at the bottom of my page you will see a list of blogs that I love, recommend, and keep tabs on. And today I happened to read Confessions from a working mom and the post was fun...so I decided to give it a shot as well...so here it goes!

When was the last time you.....

took a shower: last night

shaved your legs: 4 days ago

got your hair cut, colored, or professionally styled: Wow...it has been awhile...I think back in March if I am not mistaken.

wore mascara: I left my bottle of mascara at a friend's house...so I haven't worn any in like a month. I think it's just time to go buy a new one anyhow.

read a non-children's book: I am reading one right now...I love to read! I am a big fan of chick lit (I know, I know...don't laugh). I am reading Jane Green's To have and to hold. But July 12th a new book by Jennifer Weiner is coming out...I can't wait!

cleaned your kitchen: I clean my kitchen almost every night. I just finished cleaning it like half an hour ago, because Jeremiah's birthday party is tomorrow and I want my house to be spotless.

changed the sheets on your bed: Last month, but only because hubby spilt something on it....otherwise sheets can end up being on there for like 3 months before I change them...don't judge me.

kissed your children: about an hour ago...I try to give him as many kisses I am able to squeeze into one day

took a vacation: It's been like 2 years...eek! But we're going on vacation to visit family at the end of this month...so it's coming soon...

went to the gym: I don't go to the gym...I exercise at home and outside.

talked to your mother (in person or on the phone): Last night I talked to her on the phone

told your spouse you love him/her: At 6 o'clock tonight when he was leaving for work

Now wasn't that fun?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Days...

Summer days are filled with...

                         Late night summer drives...with the radio blasting of course.

                                     Running wild....with not a care in the world.

                                       Sliding away...just for the hell of it.

                                     Pony rides...just because I can.

                       Chasing bunnies in the park...and then continuing to run.

                        Showing off our happy face...and being damn proud of it.

                         Lots of kisses...because I will only be this small for so long.

                 Crazy adventures with our bestfriend...because we're young at heart.

                       Sticky messes...because the ice cream really was that good.

                                  Lots of tricycle rides...to destinations unknown.

                         Feeling the sun shine upon us...hair blowing in the breeze.

                    It's time to break out the sunscreen, bug spray, swimsuits, and flip flops.

                It's time to have picnics, play at the park, go for a dip, sleep in, and have fun.

                                              Celebrate because it is officially....

Monday, June 27, 2011

5 years ago today...

5 years ago today I was in the hospital, withering in pain, sweating my ass off, and pushing for dear life. But those aren't the things I remember about this day, they're just part of the scenery. What I remember is this; 5 years ago today the angels above were smiling with joy, the sun shined upon me, and all my dreams came true...because that was the day Jeremiah was born.

When I was a little girl my mom would write in my school book, similar to a  baby book, but it is filled out once a year for each grade level. It always asked the same question: What do you want to be when you grow up? And although from year to year it would change...model, actress, doctor, teacher...every year I answered one answer the same; I want to be  (insert career here)  and a mommy!

My wish came true. I am a mommy to a 5 year old little boy who wakes me up every morning with a smile plastered to his face, who likes to wrap himself in a blanket in the middle of a heat wave, who fills my life with an unendless amount of love. He is my world and sometimes I even wonder what I did so good to deserve him, but either way I am thankful God chose me to be his mommy.

So, today Jeremiah is 5 years old. Today I celebrate everything him. Happy birthday Jear bear! Mommy loves you today, tomorrow, everyday, forever...I love you always.

Friday, June 24, 2011

On a lighter note...

On a lighter note today was a splendid day. Jeremiah, Dan, and I woke up early this morning due to Jeremiah having an appointment with the audiologist. As with the eye doctor, his hearing being tested is another kindergarten must have. I swear I am jumping through hoops in order for him to start kindergarten. I was a bit worried this would end up in tears and frusturation. But I was pleasantly surprised. The audiologist and her assistant made it fun, exciting, and super easy for Jeremiah. And in case you're wondering Jeremiah's hearing is perfect! He is well withint the normal range and that I am happy to report.

Jeremiah's 5th birthday is fast approaching and today he received a birthday card in the mail from Nana Liz in the mail. Jeremiah loves getting mail and he doubled over in delight when he found $25 inside his card. Of course my son would be like me...money burns a hole in his pocket, he loves to shop, and spend money. His first stop was McDonald's (which Jeremiah only gets maybe once a week). He got a chicken mcnugget happy meal with chocolate milk. Afterwards Jeremiah and I stopped by the library (which Jeremiah pronounces as the liberry), where I picked out 1 book, and he found 7 books! I am thankful that Jeremiah has developed a love of books and at least pretending to read, just like me. Dan is not much of a reader, but I always have been, and thankfully Jeremiah is too. He has an entire book case filled with books (they don't even all fit). Our last stop before going home was Target. Jeremiah picked out a tshirt to wear for the 4th of July (which I will be posting a picture of him wearing it on that day) and he picked out a Spongebob movie. All in all he had a great day and I was glad I was able to be there to spend it with him.

Dan and I made the all too famous french onion burger for dinner tonight, and I will be posting a picture along with ingrediants and instructions under the recipe sharing tab soon (as in tomorrow...too lazy and tired to do it tonight). Dan has to work early in the morning tomorrow, so he has since resigned for the evening. I am about to hit the hay myself, but I wanted to post before calling it a night. And with that I leave you wishing you all a good night and sweet dreams.

Do you know where your mother is?

Yesterday started off as a normal day. Jeremiah and I woke up, we decided to eat some Pop Tarts for breakfast (I know not the best breakfast, but hey we can't be perfect all the time), and then we settled on the couch to snuggle and watch cartoons. That is basically how this summer has been panning out so far. We lounge around the house half the day, being completely lazy. At 3:30 the phone rang and what do you know? Dan's work was calling him in...he is usually off on Thursdays, but they needed him and he decided to take the extra hours. While all this is going on, something else was going on right across the hall. Dan and I live in an apartment, it is the kind where there are seperate complexes and each building houses 4 apartments.

Anyway, our neighbor across the hall is a young, single mother of three children. She is a relatively nice woman, and our son Jeremiah loves her children, they play for hours outside running around and riding their bikes. Over the past few months, especially since summer has kicked off, we have been talking and getting to know one another. But back to the story. One of the apartment managers was going around passing out flyers, and I guess she seen the cord our neighbor "S" had plugged into the hall outlet, because she decided to knock on her door. The children weren't supposed to answer the door for anyone but "S", but children being children they failed to remember that and ended up answering the door. Upon answering the door the apartment manager realized the children were home alone.

So, what did she do? She called the po po (police for those of you not down with the lingo). While she was waiting for the police to show up I was busy wishing Dan farewell and texting "S" as fast as my fingers could type. After no respone for a little while I texted her again once the police had arrived on the scene. After what seemed like forever I finally received a call from an unknown number, I guessed it was probably her.
She basically asked me to let them know she was on her way ASAP.

I quickly informed the police I had reached their mother and she was on her way. Let me clarify I have never known my neighbor to do anything like this before, she's nice, and from what I have seen she's a good mother. Her children are always fed, they look clean, and by all means and purposes happy. I know as a single mother, she must have had no one to watch her children, but had to go to work. Yet for the life of me I can't figure out why she didn't knock on our door, and ask us to watch her children. I will admitt I am not very fond of any children unless their my own, but I would rather watch them for her than her leave them alone. Her children are ages 5, 4, and 2. Defenitely not suitable or legal to be left alone with no adult supervision. But while I know what she did was wrong I can't help but feel sorry for her, because I know that even with Dan by my side times are tough right now, and especially so for single parents.

When "S" finally got here the police had her children carted away with their grandparents, and "S" was being arrested for child endangerment and stealing electricity. I feel for her and I don't know what is going to happen to her, as I am obviously not in the business of law. But I did take it upon myself to look up Missouri's laws on each of the crimes she was arrested for. Both of which are considered class "C" felonies. All of which are punishable anywhere from a year to seven years! I hope my neighbor doesn't get seven years, and highly doubt she will, as she has no criminal background. I wish her the best of luck and I hope things begin to look up for her soon...until then I am awaiting her return, because she asked me to hold onto her brand new, 47", 3D, flat screen television....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eye Oh My...

Jeremiah seen the eye doctor today. You see, in August Jeremiah will be starting kindergarten, and Missouri has a law that all children entering kindergarten for the first time are required to see an eye and ear doctor. The last time we visited the eye doc Jear Bear (Jeremiah's well known nickname) was only two years old, and a very much so unwilling participant. I have been dreading this moment for the past three years, but I knew I had to do it and get it done. I tend to put the pro in procrastinate, and Daniel is always on my case about this. I really wanted to prove him wrong this time.

So, I called and by the grace of God there was a spot open for June 21...SCORE! I took it. So, when we woke up this morning I reminded Jeremiah that he was seeing the eye doctor today, of course he gave me the crazy eye look and forcefully said "no!" But by the time we promptly arrived at 1:30 this afternoon he was amped up and ready to go. We only sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes. Wow, is what I was thinking...this is going really fast...if only I knew.

For two hours, I repeat two hours...they subjected my sweet, little man to what I would like to call eye torture. They took pictures of his eyes, made him stare into lights, point at pictures, asked me to hold him, and his head still countless times, and then worst of all...they had to dialate his eyes! Jear bear was having none of that. Supposedly it stings and it takes ten whole minutes for the solution to settle into the eyes. One of the worst ten minutes of mine and I suspect Jeremiah's life.

Surprisingly up until the last half hour there, Jeremiah actually cooperated. He did his best and I was so proud to watch him smile and try to keep his eyes open. Basically what we found is that Jeremiah's right eye is dominant, and his left eye is pretty darn far sighted.....so what does that mean?

My little man is going to be four eyes....I am only joking. But he is going to have to wear glasses to try to correct it. Jeremiah picked out his very own frames (they're blue) and they will be ready for pick up in a week. I will post a picture of him sporting his new look as soon as I can. In the meantime here is a great picture of him sitting in the big chair at the eye doctor.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

For my man Dan...&... my very own Daddy

Almost six years ago I met you. I remember walking into your apartment, it was the defenition of a bachelor's pad. Posters hung on the walls with thumbtacks, a Lovesac in the corner of the room, packs of cigarettes strewn across the coffee table, and one bad ass stereo system blasting The Smiths. Somehow I managed to look past all that and really got to know the real you, and the more I saw you for what and who you were, the more I thought to myself  "He reminds me of my dad."

You made me laugh and you were so laid back. Little did I know that you would be the father of my own child soon enough. And I can't think of any better way to tell you how much I love you. Parenthood is like a rollercoaster, filled with ups & downs, twists & turns, but I am glad you are the one by my side, screaming for dear life right along side me. Happy father's day babe.

 Daddy...I know when you found out you were going to be a father you weren't too thrilled. Maybe you even thought your life was over, but I think you soon realized that in fact your life had just begun.

You're always there when I need someone to just listen to me and you know just what to say. Even in my darkest hour you can make me laugh, you always have a shoulder ready to cry on, and you know exactly what I am thinking without having to say a word.

You're the best daddy any girl could ever ask for, and I am lucky to call you my dad. Everyone says I remind them of you, I laugh and think "that's a good thing." I am proud to be your daughter today and every day, and I am proud to be a self proclaimed daddy's girl. I love you daddy!