If you have stumbled upon my blog, or someone suggested you read it the first thing I would like to say is welcome! Mommy Madlibs has just taken off, and is something new for me. But it's been a long time a comin'. I guess you could say I was born with the gift of gab, and that has allowed me to have a natural talent for the written word. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I read everything I can, and I write everything from college essays to poetry to short stories, and now a blog.
Anyhow, I want to blog because I love to write. I also like to meet new and interesting people. I blog because I want to reflect upon my life and I also want to share my life with others. The best blogs will leave you feeling inspired, happy, or at the very least entertained in some way. I am also one of those people who likes to start projects, but I never finish them. This time I want to start something and keep it going.
I plan on writing about..well my life. My life could include everyday little things, exciting adventures, big celebrations, shocking events, etc. I will also share some of my poetry and short stories here for your enjoyment. I will also just be sharing my own personal thoughts, and from time to time I may even write about societal issues, and my take on it.
Now that you know a little about my blog, I will let you know a little bit more about me.
I live in Saint Louis, MO with my soul mate, Daniel also referred to as Dan, and our 5 year old son, Jeremiah also referred to as Jear Bear. In 2010 I decided it was time for me to focus on my education. So, I started taking classes at a community college, and next year I plan on applying to UMSL to pursue a career in nursing. When I am not busy being a full time mommy and student I am busy with some of my many other interests. I also like to try my hand at cooking, scrapbooking, shopping, photography, and drawing. I am not an expert in any of those areas, but I enjoy them nonetheless. I am not the kind of person that feels I must always be busy in order to be fulfilled. So, there are many leisurely activities I enjoy as well. Such as spending time with my family ( self proclaimed daddy's girl here), gossiping over frappes with my BFF, Danie, watching movies and/or tv shows, reading, hanging around babycenter, playing board games, messing around on facebook, painting my nails, and daydreaming about the beautiful, daughter I pray, hope, and wish to have someday.
I am a girlie girl who also enjoys just being "one of the boys" from time to time. Upon meeting me I can be shy, but once I feel comfortable with you I will become the life of the party. I am a mixture of conservative and liberal. I consider myself a Christian Baptist, but honestly I am much more spiritual than I am religious. I adapt easily to change, I am like a chameleon and can change the way I behave according to those personalities I am around, I can change my mind at the drop of a hat, I like to keep things organized and structured but I am the worst procrastinator you will ever meet, I am loving and loyal to those I love and care about, I am dependable and always on time, I have been told that I am funny and a blast to be around, I try to be kind to others and thoughtful, but I tend to be brutually honest which can hurt people sometimes.
I believe myself to be smart, I try to be creative, I am witty and outgoing, I worry sometimes, but I try to live a carefree life. I am energetic, playful, and optimistic about life. I can be impatient, a little selfish, and slightly spoiled at moments. In real life I curse quite often, but on here I will try to tame myself from using foul language, but if the occasional curse word slips then hey we're all adults here. And if you don't like it then just plain don't read it. I am very opinionated and make my opinions known and I don't tend to care who likes them or not. I love a good debate now and again. But more than anything I am just being me. I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but this is who I am. This is my life, I am living it, and loving every minute!
I know this has been long, and if you read through it all good for you! I plan on putting much of my extra time into this blog. I will write, I will spruce it up, I will polish it until it shines, and then write some more. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. I hope there are days in which I can supply you with a good laugh, I hope if I make you cry that they're tears of joy, I hope I make you want to be a better person, I hope you can relate, I hope I make the creative monster in you come to life, and I hope that above all else I inspire you to do whatever it is you do that makes you happy. Feel free to email me or leave me a comment, thanks to all my readers out there, and much love to each and every one of you!
Happy reading!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around every once in awhile, you may miss it."