I am a stay at home mom/student. Someday when I am finished with school I will join the ranks of working mothers, but until then my job duties consist of cooking breakfast and dinner, keeping our apartment clean and organized, going to school and being a top notch student, and taking care of the basic wants and needs of a five year old boy.
Often when my son is in school I find myself with time on my hands. When I have time on my hands I like to do things that make me feel all good inside. I read, I will write, I hang out with friends, I sleep in, and more often than not I will watch TV. I often find myself tuning in to TLC. TLC has some good shows. Currently I am enthralled in I didn't know I was pregnant, Sister Wives, and Extreme Couponing.
Now while I really enjoy these shows, I also have several opinions. While I sat or sometimes lay on the couch glued to the screen thoughts are racing through my head. So, what better way to share my thoughts than right here on my blog. If you watch these shows too feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
I didn't know I was pregnant is the kind of show you cannot help but to watch. It sucks you in with its dramatic depictions and it baffles even the brightest crayon in the box. How could someone not know they were pregnant? I guess if you are getting what you think is a period, you don't feel any movement, and you aren't gaining much weight it could be easy to not realize it. But sometimes these women are having signs and they just take a pregnancy test and when it comes out negative they just overlook everything. Home pregnancy tests can be wrong, so if you are having signs go to the doctor and take a blood test. Otherwise this show is overall a good one.
Sister Wives has really opened my eyes. This show kind of throws me off and makes me question everything I believe in. And I always feel slightly in the dark....it leaves me asking so many questions that my head is spinning afterward. I have always been the type who believes in monogamy. But when I watch Sister Wives I see this huge family, they are loving and happy, and it makes me think. Who am I to say that what they are doing is wrong? Who said it is supposed to be just one husband and one wife? Why is it that we are expected to find everything we want in a partner in one person? That's a whole lot of pressure, don't you think? But then I also see the downside. He doesn't see all his children on a daily basis, since he has to share his time with four different wives, and how does that effect the kids? Knowing their father is going off to spend time with another wife and another set of kids. Did he or any of his wives grow up in a polygamist family? How would they feel if their children chose to be monogamists? Do they judge monogamists or view them negatively? When his first wife married him, did she know they were going to be polygamists? Do the wives ever get jealous? See what I mean about all the questions....my head is spinning now. Watch this show if you are looking to learn about different kinds of lives and values. But you must do so with an open mind, otherwise you will never be able to fully appreciate this show.
Extreme Couponing is an awesome show, but it's too brief and pisses me off quite often. I am all for saving a buck. There is nothing wrong with coupons, there is nothing wrong with stocking up a little bit, and if you can get something for free then go for it. But these people are just putting a new spin on hoarding. I am sorry but they seriously are. Instead of being messy, dirty, and utterly useless hoarders, they are clean, organized, and useful hoarders. Nobody needs a stock pile of 500 body washes, 200 toothbrushes, 150 packages of diapers, etc. It isn't even possible to use all that within your lifetime. About half of these people do not donate and in case they don't realize it, things eventually do expire. And they buy junk when it comes to food. They are buying soda, candy bars, chips, and pasta. Give me a break. And for those whom are shelf clearers I just want to scream. That is unbelievably rude, selfish, and arrogant. It is not even possible to be an extreme couponer unless you want to dedicate 30 hours or more a week to it, that is like having a full time job. Who has the time for this? Plus, the show only shows us one of their bigger shopping trips and like a few seconds of how they pull it off. The show does not dedicate enough time to showing real people, normal, everyday people how to do something like this or how to even do something remotely similar to it. This show is fun, but it is also going to possibly grate on your nerves. Beware is all I am saying.
And there you have it. A review of my three favorite shows on TLC. I love them, but at times they get on my nerves. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. Thanks TLC for giving me something to write about and filling my days with good TV.
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