I feel like I should be on that show Infested! Literally because sometime around the beginning of July I began to notice them. At first it was only a couple here and there...no biggie. But as the days have gotten hotter they are seriously coming out of the woodwork. I didn't know where they were coming from, but I know now and every time I go outside to smoke a cigarette I can't look up at it....and if I do my heart skips a beat and I start feeling nervous. I am looking over my shoulder, wearing light colored clothing, moving very slowly if I even move at all...the whole chabang. And why am I terrified to go out in the daylight? What is it that has me keeping myself locked away inside the house like a caged animal....WASPS!
I have never been stung by a wasp (knock on wood)...and no I am usually not a superstitious person, but this time I am not taking any chances. Back to the wasps. I have never been stung by one, but from what I have been told it is not pretty. When wasps sting they don't just sting you once, but instead they may sting you multiple times and then have a few of their buddies join in. That doesn't sound like my cup of tea.
We live in an apartment and I am telling you they do not have a clue what they're doing. I did my research (that's where I got the idea to move slowly around them and wear light colored clothing) and it said if you want to kill the wasps you need to saturate the nest thoroughly (not from far away, but not too close neither), let it sit for 24 hours and then attempt to remove the nest (by then the wasps should be dead including those that came back to it). It also clearly stated you should do this at night or early morning, because that is when the wasps are at rest so you are much less likely to be attacked.
Our maintanence crew is doing this ass backwards though. They do it in the middle of the afternoon in the sweltering heat, they are standing too far below it to even reach it and there is no way they are saturating it. And even if they are saturating it, they are not removing it....so what good are we doing here? Other than probably pissing off the wasps and thereby causing them to become more aggressive.
And Jeremiah loves going outside. He goes out on the balcony jumping around, flapping his arms all over the place...in my opinion doing everything he can to attract these damn monsters. Every time he goes outside I am watching him like a hawk and can hardly breathe. Jeremiah has never been stung by anything in his life (knock on wood) and I have no idea if he is allergic or not and of course the stings hurt and I don't want to see my poor baby in pain of any kind so long as I can help it.
But he doesn't listen...he wants to go outside and while I am praying that he isn't stung I let him out. Let's be honest I cannot keep my son locked away all summer. But I do hate these wasps....I know wasps and bees and such insects help the enviornment, but they're a little too close for comfort and that is what scares me. I want the wasps to be gone, but I am sure as hell not about to climb on the roof, find the nest, and go in for the kill myself. With my luck I would find the nest and the next thing you know I am scrambling off the roof, screaming bloody murder, and fighting my way into the apartment through the screen door, only to find out Dan locked it, and while he is taking a nap I am stung to death by wasps.
So, I have been invaded by wasps. Is it scary? Hell yeah! Am I afraid we will get stung? Uh yeah...I am scared shitless. But will I make it through the summer? Yeah I will, even though I unfortunately have to share my summer and my patio with annoying wasps. I guess I have no other choice but to tread carefully and slowly, wear light colored clothing (preferbly white), and continue praying we make it out alive.
*Good thing wasps can't read. Otherwise I would be in a world of trouble or at least I might find myself under attack...
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