I just realized that it has been a few days since I have posted anything new. And truth be told I have not been particularly busy. I have been spending much of my time with my bestie, Danie and my goddaughter, Leaira. I have also been more tired than usual because since Jeremiah has been out of school he hasn't been going to sleep like he usually does. Therefore, I have been staying up later as well. And Dan has been working non stop. He is basically down to having only one day off, and I really can't complain because I am thankful he has a job while so many other families are struggling to find work and make ends meet.
Anyhow, I have finally come to realize that there are two kinds of people in this world, the cuddlers and the non cuddlers. I am a non cuddler and Dan is a cuddler. Let me explain...
Dan is the lovey dovey type. He likes to kiss, hug, and snuggle as much as he can. While I enjoy the kisses and the hugs I have found that I do not want them in excess. I have never been a snuggler and Dan always wants to snuggle with me when we're lying in bed, when we're watching tv on the couch, and even when I am standing over a hot stove cooking dinner.
I am chlostraphobic and snuggling makes me feel like I am literally being suffocated. I don't want to be squeezed, I don't want anyone's body sprawled across my own, and I don't want to feel anyone's hot nostril air on the back of my neck or especially in my face. Dan thinks it is all in my head, but honestly if I could snuggle I would, but I just can't.
I come from a family that is very loving. We let our emotions out and I was never reprimanded as a child for crying, I was never told to stop showing my emotions. It really is because I have this problem with closed spaces. I have since I was a baby. I hated my crib, playpen, and stroller. Anything that locked me in made my blood boil and to this day I am still that way.
I don't know how many of you love the show Sex & the City, but I am infatuated with it. I have all the seasons on DVD and I have watched each episode a million times over. In one episode Steve wants to move in with Miranda and throughout the show he is leaving all kinds of stuff at her apartment. One night she wakes up and goes psycho chick on him and Steve accuses Miranda of being the guy sometimes. The same argument has insued between Dan and I several times and he has actually said to me that it is like I am the guy sometimes.
I blame it on never having any sisters. I am very close to my dad and I have a younger brother. So, maybe sometimes I do act and think like "one of the guys", but I can't help it. It is just who I am. So, the other night when Dan repeatedly tried to snuggle me into oblivion it slipped out before I could stop it from spewing out of my big mouth... "Smother me why don't you?"
It pissed Dan off and in return he rolled over all the way to the other side of the bed. On the inside I was happy...yes I can breathe again, but I also don't want Dan to believe I don't want to be close to him. The next morning I explained to Dan where I am coming from and while he nodded his head in all the right places and at least pretended to understand I highly doubt he will ever stop with the cuddles. And I can't blame him can I? He loves me, I am his other half, and if I were a man I guess I would want to snuggle with me too, I mean I am a pretty cool chick (just joking...well I am cool, but No I am not that conceited).
So, I really want to know ladies...am I alone in this? Or are there other woman like me out there? Are woman expected to enjoy snuggling? Have you ever been accused of being like a guy sometimes?
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