It is raining again today. I say again because it rained yesterday and Sunday as well. This is quite unusual for Missouri in July. Just a few weeks ago it was blazing hot here and now it is suddenly raining. Sunday's rain was hard. It came down pouring for hours. Yesterday was a slow, light rain for only an hour. Today it is a drizzly, soft rain. Though rain does not bother me much I am feeling kind of not thrilled. I am ready for it to be warm. I know, who asks for the heat? Well I do! I want to enjoy my summer tanning and sweating. However due to the rain I captured a couple, cute pictures of Jeremiah soaked in rain water, and I taught him a few new songs (rain themed).
His favorite: "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring" and "Rain, rain go away, come again some other day". Now he sits outside looking up towards the sky just waiting for the rain. It will give him an excuse to sing the rain songs and get out the umbrella (which he loves)!
"If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be."
Yesterday my bestfriend, Danie and my goddaughter, Leaira stopped by and hung out for awhile. It was great to see them. Since Dan and I moved practically to the other end of the city it is harder to get together. Before we lived only about 15 minutes from one another and now we live more like 30 minutes away. Not that 30 minutes will ever keep us from each other, but it just isn't quite as simple. So, it was a nice treat to see the both of them.
Jeremiah and Leaira ran around the apartment chasing each other, coloring, and eating the occasional oreo. Jeremiah wanted to play hide and seek (which is actually a new game for even him). He kept telling Lele to play hide and seek. I tried to explain to Jeremiah that she is too little to understand, but he wouldn't have any of it. It was funny and cute to see Jeremiah with her. We swear that when they grow older either they will be so close like cousins or they will fall in love. I am rooting for them to be soul mates, who just happened to find one another at an early age due to their mothers being bestfriends. Don't get me wrong I will be happy even if they just grow up to be really close, good friends. But even you must admitt if they did grow up to get married to each other, it would be a fairytale romance.
Today Jeremiah and I went to the library again. We are making this sort of a weekly event. We go, we check out books, and a week (maybe two) later we return our books and find new books. I know I have said this before, but I am still thrilled beyond belief of Jeremiah's love for books and reading.
Like me he shows great enthusiasm when it comes to sitting down surrounded by books and that truly makes me happy. It is never too early to start reading to your children and helping foster that growth. Many children, tweens, and teens alike do not read enough. We are so concerned with technology (the internet, video games, tv, cell phones, etc) that I think the youth of today is more illiterate than any other previous generation, and that to me is a shame of tremendous force. It is time to introduce book love to our children. So, if you're with me say it loud and proud "I Love Books!"
It isn't just about books though. I am also excited that Jeremiah wants to do something with me. When I tell him we're going to the library he claps and his face lights up with joy. It is nice to have something just for the two of us. I relish in this quality time that he and I share together. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I guess this here is the final thing I have to write about. It has been on my mind and I feel like I must address it. I know everyone who does not live under a rock is talking about it, facebook and yahoo news has blown up with it, but now it is my turn to say something.
Yes, if you haven't already guessed this is about the Casey Anthony trial.
And because this is my blog I will not censor myself for anyone. If you do not want to read what I think then simply overlook this last part of my post. Those who think she is innocent will not agree with what I say, just to warn you ahead of time.
Now, if you are like me and believe her to be guilty then you will probably agree with what I say here and you are more than likely just as outraged as I am. To be honest I do not watch the news. When people here this they always ask "Why? Don't you want to know what is going on in this world?" My answer: No. I get tidbits here and there, but I just feel the news is always bad. Something horrible is always going on and half of those horrors involves an innocent child. Since I have become a mother I have a hard time watching stories involving the innocent life of a child being snatched away by another cruel individual.
But I remember the story of little Caylee Anthony and I remember the horrific details. Her mother took 30 days to report her missing. While her daughter was gone she was out partying, having a grand ol' time, and living a carefree existence. After 30 days she finally reported her daughter missing...if she was innocent why did it take her so long to report this? In my opinion it is because she is not innocent. Her daughter was never really missing and that is why she did not report it. She knew where her daughter was and she knew what had happened. Her daughter was dead and gone.
I remember the smell of the trunk...the stench of rotting flesh the prosecution believed to be little Caylee's very own body rotting away in the trunk of her mother's car. It wasn't pizza, and it wasn't hamburger meat...believe me there is a difference. And not only that but she lied. Casey Anthony is a liar.
She lied numerous times to the police, impeding their investigation...making them waste time and efforts on searching for a child that was never missing to begin with. Just like the mother who locked her children in the car and drumped it in the river, Casey Anthony is a cold blooded murderer.
Try all you might but there is no other way to twist it. Caylee did not accidentally drown in the pool....she was murdered. And even if by some remote chance she did drown on accident a good mother does not dump her child's body in a swampy, wooded area. She goes to the police immediately. But like I said I do not believe it was an accident.
I honestly believe that Casey Anthony is a conniving, deceitful, manipulative, heartless, cold blooded, calculating, lying, cunning individual. She lied to the police and she lied her way through the trial. Pinning her hair back and trying to look distraught and the minute she is found not guilty she waltzes her way into the courtroom with her long hair flowing and a smile spread across her face. If all these things do not scream guilty then I don't know what does.
I find it hard to believe that someone like her can kill her own child and get away with it. How the jurors did not see right through her is beyond a doubt ridiculous. Anyone who does not see the big guilty signs written across her forehead is in denial and must be blind. And not only was she found not guilty of first degree murder, but she didn't even get in trouble for taking 30 days to report her child missing. They found her not guilty of child endangerment...huh?!
I know in my heart she murdered that child. I know she has gotten away with it with little more than a slap on the wrist (there is little to no consolation that she spent 3 years in jail already). I know she will get some book deal and movie deal (of which I will not be participating) and I hope everyone else does not buy into it. There are questions that need to be answered, but she has not given any answers. I know she should be punished. How can she sleep at night? How can those jurors sleep at night knowing they let a child murderer walk away free?
I also know that nothing I say or do can bring justice to little Caylee Anthony. Someday Casey will have to answer to a higher power. She will have a judgement day and she will be brought to her knees in punishment of no other kind. She will answer to God for what she did to that child. For now all I can hope is that she never has another child again. And somewhere I pray that sweet, little Caylee is resting in the clouds amongst heaven's angels, and God willing may her soul rest in peace.
I will leave you with that. I am going to get off here and go spend some time with my own little one. By the way it is raining yet again and this time it is coming down hard.
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