A good birth story is always interesting right? Well I think so. Due to a serious lack of having anything to write about (honestly today was boring) I thought I would share with you the story of my son's birth. It is a story I would have wanted to share at some point or another and I figure right now is as good a time as any. I enjoy sharing this story with others and I hope you enjoy reading it.
Once upon a time I was pregnant with a bouncing baby boy. At my 36 week check up my doctor had measured me and said I was measuring a little big (around 38 weeks). She wanted me to have an ultrasound to be sure the baby wasn't too big and if he was she would probably induce me. My doctor had warned me she didn't believe I would make it to my due date. Anyhow, she scheduled an ultrasound for that next Tuesday, June 27th. In the mean time I was to just sit tight and try to relax as much as I could because pretty soon I would have a demanding baby living with me.
The rest of that week went by basically as normal as normal could be. On Monday, June 26th my parents had stopped by to check up on me. They joked around asking me when the baby would come. I laughed and reminded them I still had 3 more weeks until my due date. When they left I went back to my cleaning. I guess I was still nesting a bit and had decided to hang up all of mine and Dan's clean clothes (that had been waiting to be hung up for like 2 weeks). I was nearly done, putting shirts on hangers, when I felt a slight bit damp down south. I thought no big deal, I probably just tinkled a tiny bit. I was almost done with this final project and wanted to finish it. I kept right on going until about 10 minutes laters I felt a trickle. I looked down at my leg to find, to my amazement, a clear fluid slowly trickling down my leg.
"My water just broke!" I screamed to Dan. We called my parents, whom thought we were joking, and then made a bag. Do not even begin to ask me why I waited until the last possible minute to make a bag to take to the hospital. When my parents got there they drove us to the hospital and I made my way to the pregnancy assesment center. There they checked the fluid, which turned out to be amniotic fluid, determined my water had broken indeed, and set me up with an IV. Afterward I was given my room (room # 1420)...yes I remember that.
Fortunately for me both of my nurses were totally awesome. They were so kind and did everything they could to make me feel comfortable. Because my water had broken and my contractions were not really up to par they decided to give me pitocin to jump start my labor. Unfortunately for me that made my contractions practically unbearable and it didn't help that I was having tremendous back labor. I had planned for an all natural childbirth, but when I was 6 cm dialated I couldn't take it anymore and asked for an epidural. It was a lifesaver, but next time around I still plan on having a drug free childbirth.
My labor continued to progress throughout the night and into the next day. At 3 o'clock I remember my nurse telling me it was time to push. I pushed and pushed and finally at 3:28 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27th Jeremiah was born. Funny that was the day I should have been going to get an ultrasound, but I guess he had other plans. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz and he was 19 1/2 inches long...a little runt. Due to having group b strep and running a high fever during labor they had Jeremiah stay in the special care nursery. That was disappointing since I wanted him to room in with me during our hospital stay.
While my birth wasn't exactly what I had pictured it to be, it certainly wasn't the worst neither. However since giving birth to Jeremiah I have become much more informed. I have educated myself beyond belief on childbirth. Next time I plan on hiring a midwife and giving birth at home or at a birthing center with nothing more than me, Dan, my family, friends, and midwife. No doctors. I still want the experience of having an all natural childbirth.
On June 30th, 2006 we brought home our little man and as they say the rest is history. It is hard and tiring when you first become a parent. You try to prepare but in all actuality nobody is ready for an infant until there really is one there. There are times when you want to scream or cry and pull out all your hair, but I promise you this...being a parent is by far one of the most exciting and wonderful experiences of my life. It has its ups and downs, but it also has its perks...and through all the trials and tribulations it is most certainly rewarding.
Life will never be the same again once you become a parent...but take it from me, that is a very good thing indeed.
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