*You may want to pause the music player at the bottom of the page if you are not in the mood for some tunes.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

That there is the title of one of my favorite movies starring Steve Martin and John Candy. If you have seen it you know why it is awesome and if you haven't seen it then you should. I don't want to ruin the movie for you but it is hilarious to say the least.

Anyhow today is the day I have been waiting for. Jeremiah and I are leaving by train for Chicago. We will spend two fabulous weeks there with my side of the family. We do not get to see them very often...so this is sort of a big deal to me. Jeremiah is thrilled to be taking the train. I wish it were plane, because it is faster, but I am thankful we are not going by bus or automobile, because that would take even longer.

We are all packed up. Our train departs at 3 o'clock. Wake up Chicago...because here we come!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Stressed to kill

Tomorrow Jeremiah and I leave for our 2 week stay in Chicago. I am excited beyond belief to see all my loved ones. Jeremiah is excited too....well at least he is excited about the train ride there.

Of course I will miss all my family and friends and my hubby that will be staying behind here in Saint Louis, but there is nothing quite like getting away. Sometimes it is nice to be surrounded by different faces, laughter of another kind, and enthralled in a whole new atmosphere.

Yet right now I am feeling stressed. Packing brings a new kind of stress to me. I do not get out of town often enough and therefore I have yet to obtain a decent luggage system. I have a few duffel bags I am using and I feel like it isn't working too well.

You know how there are professional movers? There needs to be some company who allows you to hire professional vacation packers. Someone who can come in and do all the work for me. And for a little extra dough you can rent luggage. The nice and fancy kind like all the superstars and rich people use when they travel.

I think I am going to take a break and watch a movie. Something relaxing and something that will hopefully grant me a few good laughs. Because all this packing has me ready to pull my hair out.

But it really is a small price to pay when come tomorrow I will be headed towards more hugs and kisses than I can handle. I will be on my way to enjoying myself, having a good time, laughing until my sides hurt, and taking tons of pictures to document this moment.

I can't wait.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jeremiah's Birth Story

A good birth story is always interesting right? Well I think so. Due to a serious lack of having anything to write about (honestly today was boring) I thought I would share with you the story of my son's birth. It is a story I would have wanted to share at some point or another and I figure right now is as good a time as any. I enjoy sharing this story with others and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Once upon a time I was pregnant with a bouncing baby boy. At my 36 week check up my doctor had measured me and said I was measuring a little big (around 38 weeks). She wanted me to have an ultrasound to be sure the baby wasn't too big and if he was she would probably induce me. My doctor had warned me she didn't believe I would make it to my due date. Anyhow, she scheduled an ultrasound for that next Tuesday, June 27th. In the mean time I was to just sit tight and try to relax as much as I could because pretty soon I would have a demanding baby living with me.

The rest of that week went by basically as normal as normal could be. On Monday, June 26th my parents had stopped by to check up on me. They joked around asking me when the baby would come. I laughed and reminded them I still had 3 more weeks until my due date. When they left I went back to my cleaning. I guess I was still nesting a bit and had decided to hang up all of mine and Dan's clean clothes (that had been waiting to be hung up for like 2 weeks). I was nearly done, putting shirts on hangers, when I felt a slight bit damp down south. I thought no big deal, I probably just tinkled a tiny bit. I was almost done with this final project and wanted to finish it. I kept right on going until about 10 minutes laters I felt a trickle. I looked down at my leg to find, to my amazement, a clear fluid slowly trickling down my leg.

"My water just broke!" I screamed to Dan. We called my parents, whom thought we were joking, and then made a bag. Do not even begin to ask me why I waited until the last possible minute to make a bag to take to the hospital. When my parents got there they drove us to the hospital and I made my way to the pregnancy assesment center. There they checked the fluid, which turned out to be amniotic fluid, determined my water had broken indeed, and set me up with an IV. Afterward I was given my room (room # 1420)...yes I remember that.

Fortunately for me both of my nurses were totally awesome. They were so kind and did everything they could to make me feel comfortable. Because my water had broken and my contractions were not really up to par they decided to give me pitocin to jump start my labor. Unfortunately for me that made my contractions practically unbearable and it didn't help that I was having tremendous back labor. I had planned for an all natural childbirth, but when I was 6 cm dialated I couldn't take it anymore and asked for an epidural. It was a lifesaver, but next time around I still plan on having a drug free childbirth.

My labor continued to progress throughout the night and into the next day. At 3 o'clock I remember my nurse telling me it was time to push. I pushed and pushed and finally at 3:28 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27th Jeremiah was born. Funny that was the day I should have been going to get an ultrasound, but I guess he had other plans. He weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz and he was 19 1/2 inches long...a little runt. Due to having group b strep and running a high fever during labor they had Jeremiah stay in the special care nursery. That was disappointing since I wanted him to room in with me during our hospital stay.

While my birth wasn't exactly what I had pictured it to be, it certainly wasn't the worst neither. However since giving birth to Jeremiah I have become much more informed. I have educated myself beyond belief on childbirth. Next time I plan on hiring a midwife and giving birth at home or at a birthing center with nothing more than me, Dan, my family, friends, and midwife. No doctors. I still want the experience of having an all natural childbirth.

On June 30th, 2006 we brought home our little man and as they say the rest is history. It is hard and tiring when you first become a parent. You try to prepare but in all actuality nobody is ready for an infant until there really is one there. There are times when you want to scream or cry and pull out all your hair, but I promise you this...being a parent is by far one of the most exciting and wonderful experiences of my life. It has its ups and downs, but it also has its perks...and through all the trials and tribulations it is most certainly rewarding.

Life will never be the same again once you become a parent...but take it from me, that is a very good thing indeed.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The 7th Stage

In psychology and then again in Stress Management I was taught that there are seven stages of grief that one goes through. We usually experience these stages when a loved one dies, but it isn't quite as simple as that. Research suggests that we go through the stages of grief not only when someone dies, but even when we end a relationship, and parents of special needs children experience it as well.

When a parent learns that their child has a special need, something dies right then and there. Their child is alive, but their dream....that dream child dies. I have experienced these stages firsthand when I found out Jeremiah had a high functioning form of autism...

Stage One: Shock
When Jeremiah was diagnosed I was sort of shocked. I had known for awhile that Jeremiah was not your typically developing child. I had my suspisions, but I honestly believed he was just a late bloomer or had a mild speech delay. I never thought he would have a condition that would plague him for the rest of his life.

Stage Two: Denial
I even went through this stage. For a short time I thought maybe they were wrong. Surely, this couldn't be possible. Afterall, autism is more likely to occur when a family member has it...but noone in Dan or my family had it. So, there must have been kind of mistake. This stage didn't last long though...because I also knew you couldn't argue facts and science.

Stage Three: Bargaining
I thought I could talk my way out of this. Maybe if I promised to help others less fortunate, volunteer my time to the needy...then God would make Jeremiah better. I just had to be a better person and once all was forgiven Jeremiah could be normal.

Stage Four: Guilt
This is a stage that comes and goes. It never seems to go away completely. Sometimes I feel guilty because I think I must have done something wrong. Maybe I didn't hold him enough as a baby? Maybe I didn't do something right during my pregnancy...did I not eat the right foods? Then I feel guilty thinking about future children I hope to have...if they're normal...will he always be behind them? I feel guilty that he is like this...will he have friends? Will he finish school and go to college? Will he be able to have a career? Marriage? Kids of his own someday?

Stage Five: Anger
Sometimes I am just angry. I am angry at the world because the world is a tough place to hang. I get angry with God...isn't life hard enough being normal? Why did he choose my child to live life this way? I am angry when I see parents with their normal children...it's not fair. I am angry this is happening to us, to him.

Stage Six: Depression
Then there are the times you feel depressed. Sometimes I am embarassed when we're out in public and Jeremiah is stemming. And then I feel instantly sad, angry, upset with myself for feeling that way. I get depressed when I think about all the things that Jeremiah may never get to experience...when I think about the times when he may not fit in or he may be picked on for being different.

Stage Seven: Acceptance/Hope
I have reached this stage, depite the fact that once in awhile I jump back to the previous stages. I have accepted Jeremiah for who he is. I have informed myself as much as I can about autism and continue to do so. I know in my heart it is nothing I did wrong and no amount of bribing is going to make it go away. I still have hope that they will find a cure...if not for Jeremiah then for future children. I remain hopeful that Jeremiah will make friends, he will be a good student, he will become successful in whatever career path he takes, and he will get married and have children (if he wants to).

The message of this post is simply if you are going through these stages, if you are the parent of a special need child don't be ashamed. You are not alone and it is normal to grieve...and more than all else never give up hope. Always try to wake up with a smile, laugh as much as you can, love like there is no tomorrow, and always look at the glass half full.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Hey there readers! I just wanted to tell you all about a little something.

My dad is an inspiration to me. He has always been someone I can trust and someone I can turn to. He makes me laugh, he gives wonderful advice, and I seriously feel like I was blessed with such a great man to call my dad.

My dad has been battling his weight for some time now. When he was younger he was husky, but over the years his weight has reached a very unhealthy level. Eight years ago he was diagnosed with diabetes.

You would think that after being diagnosed with diabetes he would gain control, but he struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And as anyone knows who has ever struggled with their weight before, there are many contributing factors to this problem.

Just a month ago my father seen his doctor, only to discover that his blood sugar was so off the charts that he was nearly in a diabetic coma. His doctor told him if he didn't get a handle on things he may very well only have about 5 years left.

I guess something struck a cord with him and it stuck. One morning he woke up and just decided it was time for him to get serious. He realized he wanted to live life to its fullest, he wanted to see his grandson grow into a man, and he wanted to die a very old man.

It has now been only two months, but he has already lost 37 lbs! And this time he is sticking to his diet. He is learning new ways to eat healthy, how to exercise the right way, and become an overall healthier individual. And he isn't just losing weight. He is discovering a great deal about himself, both emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

And now instead of constantly updating his facebook status several times a day to share his weight loss journey with friends and family, he has taken my advice and created a blog...not only to share with friends and family, but to share with the world.

He has inspired me and I hope he is able to inspire others as well. Because it's never too late to make changes and it is never too late to live life. Check out his blog at the link listed below...

Wayne's Weight Loss Journey

The last time you....prt 2

Okay so I did this a few weeks back and it is time to do it again. It's fun so you should join in too. And like last time I did not come up with this on my own...this is the idea of one of my favorite bloggers @ http://www.confessionsfromaworkingmom.com/. She is funny and great, so you should go check her out!

When was the last time you....

Went to a concert: Oh shoot, it has been ages! The last time I went to a concert I was like 15 years old. I went with my dad, mom, my uncle, aunt, and cousin to go see the Scorpions! I know right? But honestly I really do like the Scorpions even though they were before my time. And Tesla rocked it as the opening act! It was fun, but seriously I need to go to another concert, because that's just sad. It's been almost 10 years...damn I feel old.

Vacuumed your floors: Well, lately I have been lagging to be honest. It has been about 3 days since I vacuumed...and I can tell that it needs to be done, but sometimes it is just a pain in the ass.

Went somewhere by yourself: This past Friday Jeremiah was with his grandma and grandpa which gave me a nice break for the night. I went to the library and to the grocery store all by myself and it was so pleasant. Not that Jeremiah is horrible, but it is nice to have these little moments to yourself every now and again.

Had a mani or pedi: It has been a couple months since I have had my nails done. I do not get them done very often, because honestly I can take good care of my nails and feet at home for less than half the price at a nail salon. However every couple months I like to treat myself to something nice that makes me feel fancy and ultra feminine. For some women that is a bikini wax, a new pair of shoes....for me that is a manicure and maybe a new purse. Come to think of it I think it is time to go get my nails done soon.

Got eight hours of uninterrupted sleep: Well, before I answer I just want to say to all those other mommies out there...please do not hate me. I just happened to luck out...there is a good chance that this won't happen with my next child. Jeremiah started sleeping through the night at 2 months old...all on his own. When he was 3 months old I moved him to his crib in his own room and I did have to train him with that (it took about 2 weeks), but I knew he could do it, because he was already doing it on his own. So, fortunately I have been getting sleep for basically all my life...but like I said Jeremiah is and has always been a good sleeper, but that may not happen next time around. Don't worry I will keep you posted when I have next my child and if he/she are not sleeping I am sure you all will be like "HA!" It is okay...no hard feelings.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Instant Knockdown...

I feel like I should be on that show Infested! Literally because sometime around the beginning of July I began to notice them. At first it was only a couple here and there...no biggie. But as the days have gotten hotter they are seriously coming out of the woodwork. I didn't know where they were coming from, but I know now and every time I go outside to smoke a cigarette I can't look up at it....and if I do my heart skips a beat and I start feeling nervous. I am looking over my shoulder, wearing light colored clothing, moving very slowly if I even move at all...the whole chabang. And why am I terrified to go out in the daylight? What is it that has me keeping myself locked away inside the house like a caged animal....WASPS!

I have never been stung by a wasp (knock on wood)...and no I am usually not a superstitious person, but this time I am not taking any chances. Back to the wasps. I have never been stung by one, but from what I have been told it is not pretty. When wasps sting they don't just sting you once, but instead they may sting you multiple times and then have a few of their buddies join in. That doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

We live in an apartment and I am telling you they do not have a clue what they're doing. I did my research (that's where I got the idea to move slowly around them and wear light colored clothing) and it said if you want to kill the wasps you need to saturate the nest thoroughly (not from far away, but not too close neither), let it sit for 24 hours and then attempt to remove the nest (by then the wasps should be dead including those that came back to it). It also clearly stated you should do this at night or early morning, because that is when the wasps are at rest so you are much less likely to be attacked.

Our maintanence crew is doing this ass backwards though. They do it in the middle of the afternoon in the sweltering heat, they are standing too far below it to even reach it and there is no way they are saturating it. And even if they are saturating it, they are not removing it....so what good are we doing here? Other than probably pissing off the wasps and thereby causing them to become more aggressive.

And Jeremiah loves going outside. He goes out on the balcony jumping around, flapping his arms all over the place...in my opinion doing everything he can to attract these damn monsters. Every time he goes outside I am watching him like a hawk and can hardly breathe. Jeremiah has never been stung by anything in his life (knock on wood) and I have no idea if he is allergic or not and of course the stings hurt and I don't want to see my poor baby in pain of any kind so long as I can help it.

But he doesn't listen...he wants to go outside and while I am praying that he isn't stung I let him out. Let's be honest I cannot keep my son locked away all summer. But I do hate these wasps....I know wasps and bees and such insects help the enviornment, but they're a little too close for comfort and that is what scares me. I want the wasps to be gone, but I am sure as hell not about to climb on the roof, find the nest, and go in for the kill myself. With my luck I would find the nest and the next thing you know I am scrambling off the roof, screaming bloody murder, and fighting my way into the apartment through the screen door, only to find out Dan locked it, and while he is taking a nap I am stung to death by wasps.

So, I have been invaded by wasps. Is it scary? Hell yeah! Am I afraid we will get stung? Uh yeah...I am scared shitless. But will I make it through the summer? Yeah I will, even though I unfortunately have to share my summer and my patio with annoying wasps. I guess I have no other choice but to tread carefully and slowly, wear light colored clothing (preferbly white), and continue praying we make it out alive.

*Good thing wasps can't read. Otherwise I would be in a world of trouble or at least I might find myself under attack...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random Thoughts

Once again it has been a little while since my last post. And once again it is not because I am particularly busy...just being sort of lazy perhaps. So, please forgive me.

In 9 days Jeremiah and I are going on our vacation. We are going to Chicago, IL to visit family. We will be there until the 14th of August and I am super excited. I have not been to Chicago for 2 years and I am looking forward to spending time with my family, visiting 26th street where you can get a real steak taco or a real beef sandwich, and just doing something different. Dan will not be with us, because he cannot get the time off from work. He is kind of sad that he will be alone for 2 whole weeks, but I told him it is like a vacation for him too. There will be no Jeremiah there to wake him up at 8 o'clock in the morning, he can invite his friends over and do disgusting guy things, sleep in, be messy, leave the toilet seat up, etc. That made him feel a little bit better.

I am watching the tv show Infested...I hate pests such as roaches, but I also find it absolutely fascinating to learn about them. The episode I am watching now a mother and her son are evicted after attracting the wrong kind of attention to the building managers...and I am thinking these managers should be sued and fined for having a roach infested building that is not safe for living quarters for humans. Sorry I had to throw that in.

The other day Jeremiah was playing "ghost"....and it got me thinking about Halloween. It is officially my favorite holiday. I love dressing up, going door to door for candy, watching scary movies on television, and trying to scare other people all in the name of fun. This year Danie and I are going together to take the kids trick or treating. I am going to dress up as a witch (yes I still dress up now and again)...but I have no clue what to make Jeremiah. He has been Tigger, Darth Vader, Spiderman, and a pirate. I am thinking either a ghost, skeleton, scooby doo, or a vampire. What do you guys think?

My mom and dad are taking Jeremiah tomorrow night. My mom and dad are sooo good with him and love him to death. My mom will get on the floor and play with him, they tickle him until he can't breathe, and my mom will rent kid movies for them to curl up on the couch and watch. He also always talks my mom into getting him McDonald's. He really does not have it too often, maybe once every couple weeks. My mom almost always gets it for him though and he just loves it when she does. He calls their fries "hot fries"...if only that were the truth...LOL.

Anyhow, I have so much I want to share on here like my goddaughter's birth (her 2nd birthday is coming up soon), Jeremiah's birth story, etc...but all in due time I promise. This is all I have for now...I will be back soon to write something special. Have a good evening everyone!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Best Friends Forever! Doesn't everyone have that one special friend they consider to be their best friend? I would say that most do. Actually most have a few and I am no exception. I like to call her my bestie or girlie. But to everyone else she is known as Danie. Danie and I have only known each other for 3 years, but in that short amount of time we have become bestfriends. And I plan on keeping it that way forever....

Dan and I were living in an apartment complex and one day he came in all giddy like a child on Christmas morning. I wondered what could have him so damn happy.

Me: "What's up babe?"
Dan: "I met the coolest guy. He lives here and he plays guitar. We're going to jam together, okay hun?"
Me: "Sure...."
Dan: "Oh he has a girlfriend too....maybe you and her can talk. I know how desperate you are for a friend."
Me: "I am not desperate! Okay well maybe I want someone to talk to, but I do have standards."
Dan: "Well it was just a thought...maybe you two will hit it off."
Me: "Yeah maybe so."

Some time went by until one warm summer evening. I had finished up the nightly ritual of putting Jeremiah to sleep and I was ready to jump in the shower and then watch the Unsolved Mysteries I had received in the mail via Netflix. Dan said he would watch it with me, so off to the shower I went. When I got out I was ready to go, but Dan was nowhere to be found. Where the hell did he go now?

That is when I looked out our living room window to se him standing outside talking to some girl. Like most women who see their hubby talking to some pretty and may I add thin, young woman I immediately felt my blood begin to boil. Who the hell is that chick? I decided to investigate and so I crept out the apartment door, locking it behind me, and waltzed my way outside.

Me: "Hey babe...there you are! I thought we were going to watch Unsolved Mysteries?"
Dan: "We are hun...I just came out to smoke and got to talking to one of our neighbors."
Me: "Oh how long have you lived here?"
Danie: "Not too long..."
Dan: "This is Julian's girlfriend...uh Danie. We just got to talking."
Me: " Oh..."

I don't remember quite what happened after that other than the formal, awkward introduction, learning that Julian was at work, Danie was out of cigarettes, Dan took her to the store to get some, and somehow I ended up inviting her over to watch Unsolved Mysteries with us, which she loved as much as I did.

But that night we barely paid any attention to the show, because even though we had just met Danie and I connected beautifully. Have you ever met someone that you just hit it off with? You don't know what it is but you know it's something stronger than you (perhaps beyond this dimension of time), some way, somehow you have this powerful connection to someone you have just met. That is exactly what happened. Upon our first meeting we hung out half the night, just talking and talking about everything. We were pleasantly surprised to find that we had so much in common. I stayed up until 3 in the morning talking with her.

Danie and I slowly began to hang out more and more, slowly becoming closer. But when Danie found herself pregnant in December of 2008 we became closer than I think either of us could ever have imagined. I spent time going over baby books with her while she was pregnant and giving her my best advice. I was present at the birth of her daughter. I helped her give Leaira her first bath. I said yes when she asked me to be Leaira's godmother. I am there for her when she needs someone to vent to, when she needs a shoulder to cry on, and of course when she needs a good laugh.

As much as I have been there for her, she has always been there for me too. She listens to me, we can finish each other's sentences, we agree on almost every important issue, we still have loads in common, I understand her, and she understands me. And yes we have had our moments when we do not agree, when we are grating on each other's nerves, when for some unknown reason our messages are getting crossed, mixed up, and lost. But we get past those almost as quickly as they came. The imporant thing is we are there for each other whenever, wherever, whatever. She accepts me as I am and loves me for who I am and I accept her for who she is and I love her as she is.

So, I guess it's true in every way shape and form. I have a bestfriend and she is mine. She is the greatest one of them all and I am fortunate to have her in my life. And for all intents and purposes it doesn't even matter how she came into my life, so long as she never leaves it.

I love you girlie...

Do you have a bestfriend? How did you meet? If this was your last day on earth and you had only this moment to tell her everything you have always wanted to tell her, what would you say?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Smother me, why don't you?

I just realized that it has been a few days since I have posted anything new. And truth be told I have not been particularly busy. I have been spending much of my time with my bestie, Danie and my goddaughter, Leaira. I have also been more tired than usual because since Jeremiah has been out of school he hasn't been going to sleep like he usually does. Therefore, I have been staying up later as well. And Dan has been working non stop. He is basically down to having only one day off, and I really can't complain because I am thankful he has a job while so many other families are struggling to find work and make ends meet.


Anyhow, I have finally come to realize that there are two kinds of people in this world, the cuddlers and the non cuddlers. I am a non cuddler and Dan is a cuddler. Let me explain...

Dan is the lovey dovey type. He likes to kiss, hug, and snuggle as much as he can. While I enjoy the kisses and the hugs I have found that I do not want them in excess. I have never been a snuggler and Dan always wants to snuggle with me when we're lying in bed, when we're watching tv on the couch, and even when I am standing over a hot stove cooking dinner.

I am chlostraphobic and snuggling makes me feel like I am literally being suffocated. I don't want to be squeezed, I don't want anyone's body sprawled across my own, and I don't want to feel anyone's hot nostril air on the back of my neck or especially in my face. Dan thinks it is all in my head, but honestly if I could snuggle I would, but I just can't.

I come from a family that is very loving. We let our emotions out and I was never reprimanded as a child for crying, I was never told to stop showing my emotions. It really is because I have this problem with closed spaces. I have since I was a baby. I hated my crib, playpen, and stroller. Anything that locked me in made my blood boil and to this day I am still that way.

I don't know how many of you love the show Sex & the City, but I am infatuated with it. I have all the seasons on DVD and I have watched each episode a million times over. In one episode Steve wants to move in with Miranda and throughout the show he is leaving all kinds of stuff at her apartment. One night she wakes up and goes psycho chick on him and Steve accuses Miranda of being the guy sometimes. The same argument has insued between Dan and I several times and he has actually said to me that it is like I am the guy sometimes.

I blame it on never having any sisters. I am very close to my dad and I have a younger brother. So, maybe sometimes I do act and think like "one of the guys", but I can't help it. It is just who I am. So, the other night when Dan repeatedly tried to snuggle me into oblivion it slipped out before I could stop it from spewing out of my big mouth... "Smother me why don't you?"

It pissed Dan off and in return he rolled over all the way to the other side of the bed. On the inside I was happy...yes I can breathe again, but I also don't want Dan to believe I don't want to be close to him. The next morning I explained to Dan where I am coming from and while he nodded his head in all the right places and at least pretended to understand I highly doubt he will ever stop with the cuddles. And I can't blame him can I? He loves me, I am his other half, and if I were a man I guess I would want to snuggle with me too, I mean I am a pretty cool chick (just joking...well I am cool, but No I am not that conceited).

So, I really want to know ladies...am I alone in this? Or are there other woman like me out there? Are woman expected to enjoy snuggling? Have you ever been accused of being like a guy sometimes?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's coming down

I haven't written a post since Monday and while nothing in particular has happened recently I felt it was time for a new post. Unfortunately I don't have anything specific to speak on. So, this will be random thoughts basically. If you can hang with it then lets get started.

It is raining again today. I say again because it rained yesterday and Sunday as well. This is quite unusual for Missouri in July. Just a few weeks ago it was blazing hot here and now it is suddenly raining. Sunday's rain was hard. It came down pouring for hours. Yesterday was a slow, light rain for only an hour. Today it is a drizzly, soft rain. Though rain does not bother me much I am feeling kind of not thrilled. I am ready for it to be warm. I know, who asks for the heat? Well I do! I want to enjoy my summer tanning and sweating. However due to the rain I captured a couple, cute pictures of Jeremiah soaked in rain water, and I taught him a few new songs (rain themed).

His favorite: "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring" and "Rain, rain go away, come again some other day". Now he sits outside looking up towards the sky just waiting for the rain. It will give him an excuse to sing the rain songs and get out the umbrella (which he loves)!

        "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain that would be."


Yesterday my bestfriend, Danie and my goddaughter, Leaira stopped by and hung out for awhile. It was great to see them. Since Dan and I moved practically to the other end of the city it is harder to get together. Before we lived only about 15 minutes from one another and now we live more like 30 minutes away. Not that 30 minutes will ever keep us from each other, but it just isn't quite as simple. So, it was a nice treat to see the both of them.

Jeremiah and Leaira ran around the apartment chasing each other, coloring, and eating the occasional oreo. Jeremiah wanted to play hide and seek (which is actually a new game for even him). He kept telling Lele to play hide and seek. I tried to explain to Jeremiah that she is too little to understand, but he wouldn't have any of it. It was funny and cute to see Jeremiah with her. We swear that when they grow older either they will be so close like cousins or they will fall in love. I am rooting for them to be soul mates, who just happened to find one another at an early age due to their mothers being bestfriends. Don't get me wrong I will be happy even if they just grow up to be really close, good friends. But even you must admitt if they did grow up to get married to each other, it would be a fairytale romance.


Today Jeremiah and I went to the library again. We are making this sort of a weekly event. We go, we check out books, and a week (maybe two) later we return our books and find new books. I know I have said this before, but I am still thrilled beyond belief of Jeremiah's love for books and reading.

Like me he shows great enthusiasm when it comes to sitting down surrounded by books and that truly makes me happy. It is never too early to start reading to your children and helping foster that growth. Many children, tweens, and teens alike do not read enough. We are so concerned with technology (the internet, video games, tv, cell phones, etc) that I think the youth of today is more illiterate than any other previous generation, and that to me is a shame of tremendous force. It is time to introduce book love to our children. So, if you're with me say it loud and proud "I Love Books!"

It isn't just about books though. I am also excited that Jeremiah wants to do something with me. When I tell him we're going to the library he claps and his face lights up with joy. It is nice to have something just for the two of us. I relish in this quality time that he and I share together. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I guess this here is the final thing I have to write about. It has been on my mind and I feel like I must address it. I know everyone who does not live under a rock is talking about it, facebook and yahoo news has blown up with it, but now it is my turn to say something.

Yes, if you haven't already guessed this is about the Casey Anthony trial.

And because this is my blog I will not censor myself for anyone. If you do not want to read what I think then simply overlook this last part of my post. Those who think she is innocent will not agree with what I say, just to warn you ahead of time.

Now, if you are like me and believe her to be guilty then you will probably agree with what I say here and you are more than likely just as outraged as I am. To be honest I do not watch the news. When people here this they always ask "Why? Don't you want to know what is going on in this world?" My answer: No. I get tidbits here and there, but I just feel the news is always bad. Something horrible is always going on and half of those horrors involves an innocent child. Since I have become a mother I have a hard time watching stories involving the innocent life of a child being snatched away by another cruel individual.

But I remember the story of little Caylee Anthony and I remember the horrific details. Her mother took 30 days to report her missing. While her daughter was gone she was out partying, having a grand ol' time, and living a carefree existence. After 30 days she finally reported her daughter missing...if she was innocent why did it take her so long to report this? In my opinion it is because she is not innocent. Her daughter was never really missing and that is why she did not report it. She knew where her daughter was and she knew what had happened. Her daughter was dead and gone.

I remember the smell of the trunk...the stench of rotting flesh the prosecution believed to be little Caylee's very own body rotting away in the trunk of her mother's car. It wasn't pizza, and it wasn't hamburger meat...believe me there is a difference. And not only that but she lied. Casey Anthony is a liar.

She lied numerous times to the police, impeding their investigation...making them waste time and efforts on searching for a child that was never missing to begin with. Just like the mother who locked her children in the car and drumped it in the river, Casey Anthony is a cold blooded murderer.

Try all you might but there is no other way to twist it. Caylee did not accidentally drown in the pool....she was murdered. And even if by some remote chance she did drown on accident a good mother does not dump her child's body in a swampy, wooded area. She goes to the police immediately. But like I said I do not believe it was an accident.

I honestly believe that Casey Anthony is a conniving, deceitful, manipulative, heartless, cold blooded, calculating, lying, cunning individual. She lied to the police and she lied her way through the trial. Pinning her hair back and trying to look distraught and the minute she is found not guilty she waltzes her way into the courtroom with her long hair flowing and a smile spread across her face. If all these things do not scream guilty then I don't know what does.

I find it hard to believe that someone like her can kill her own child and get away with it. How the jurors did not see right through her is beyond a doubt ridiculous. Anyone who does not see the big guilty signs written across her forehead is in denial and must be blind. And not only was she found not guilty of first degree murder, but she didn't even get in trouble for taking 30 days to report her child missing. They found her not guilty of child endangerment...huh?!

I know in my heart she murdered that child. I know she has gotten away with it with little more than a slap on the wrist (there is little to no consolation that she spent 3 years in jail already). I know she will get some book deal and movie deal (of which I will not be participating) and I hope everyone else does not buy into it. There are questions that need to be answered, but she has not given any answers. I know she should be punished. How can she sleep at night? How can those jurors sleep at night knowing they let a child murderer walk away free?

I also know that nothing I say or do can bring justice to little Caylee Anthony. Someday Casey will have to answer to a higher power. She will have a judgement day and she will be brought to her knees in punishment of no other kind. She will answer to God for what she did to that child. For now all I can hope is that she never has another child again. And somewhere I pray that sweet, little Caylee is resting in the clouds amongst heaven's angels, and God willing may her soul rest in peace.

I will leave you with that. I am going to get off here and go spend some time with my own little one. By the way it is raining yet again and this time it is coming down hard.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Team USA!

Today is the 4th of July and I hope everyone is celebrating. Dan decided to barbecue today and Jeremiah helped him (I wish I had a picture). We already seen the fireworks on Saturday. Every year the good people of Southwest Garden neighborhood raise money and put on a huge fireworks display at Sublette park. We go every year and even though we no longer live in the neighborhood we attend their display because it is one of the best the city of Saint Louis has to offer. However, as I write this Dan and Jeremiah are sitting outside on the patio watching fireworks. You can see the fireworks down by the arch from where we live and neighbors are firing off fireworks as well.

Sometime soon I will show off the pictures I took of Jeremiah wearing his Team USA tshirt and how excited he was watching the fireworks, but it will have to wait as I left my camera at my parents' house on accident. I will go get it soon though.

If you're proud
Then say it loud
Yes it's true
I am proud of the red, white, and blue!

Have a great independence day everyone! Happy fourth of July!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Party Time

Jeremiah's birthday was on the 27th of June, but we had his party on Friday. The night before I cleaned the entire apartment from top to bottom. I was aiming for spotless and I think I may have just accomplished what I was looking for. When Jeremiah woke up on Friday morning he was thrilled about his party or at least he was thrilled to have some birthday cake...
Jeremiah is in love with Spongebob and as such his cake was Spongebob!

It is hard to believe sometimes that 5 years has already passed. Even now I find it hard to believe that I have managed to keep another human being alive and well for 5 whole years. Do you ever feel that way about your own children? Or am I the only one?

My mom insisted on getting Jeremiah to pose for a picture of him holding up five fingers, because he was officially 5 years old. Luckily Jeremiah is at an age where he actually enjoys having his picture taken. He never fails to notice when I whip the camera out and start snapping pictures. He laughs and smiles saying "cheese!" along the way. When I take his picture he always says "mommy let me look."

Jeremiah got a Cars soccer ball for his birthday (one of his many gifts). Dan takes him out to the park often to kick around the ball, but he still hasn't quite gotten the idea of kicking the ball (he wants to throw it). Hopefully with enough practice he will get it soon. I wasn't involved much in sports as a child, but Dan was. He played baseball and soccer. We are both adament on having Jeremiah involved in sports. We want him to be a part of a team and keep him busy with things he will enjoy as opposed to hanging with the wrong crowd. He may not be kickin' balls jusy yet, but you never know. Maybe he is a future soccer star in the making...fingers crossed xx.

Jeremiah received two big buckets of play-doh...courtesy of his Aunt Anne (Dan's sister). There is the pros and the cons. The pro is Jeremiah loves doing crafts...drawing, cutting, coloring, gluing, etc. It gives Jeremiah good practice with his fine motor skills (he takes occupational therapy) and it also helps with his sensory integration (he stems). The down side is it is messy and I have never been a very crafty person. Sure I enjoy scrapbooking, but that's easy. My mom is way into crafts; She can sew, crochet, paint, make quilts, etc. She tried getting me into it, but I just wasn't going for it. I was too into the mall, boys, and talking on the phone. So, to me when I see play-doh I see MESS. But never the less whatever makes Jeremiah happy makes me happy, because that's what parenting is all about right?

I had to share this picture with you, because it is great. And also it is interesting. On the left you have Jeremiah and on the right you have his 10 year old cousin, Allie. And in the middle is his Aunt Anne (Allie's mom). The funny thing is when Anne is out and about with Allie and Jeremiah many people tell her that her son is adorable and he looks so much like her. Then she has to correct them and explain this is her nephew. Everyone in my family, including myself, is convinced that somehow he was born with all of Dan and none of me. He does not look like me or my family. Fortunately the only characteristic Jeremiah did receive of mine is my cute, little button nose. Everything else is Dan. So what do you all think? Could Jeremiah pass off as Annes' son?

And that concludes Jeremiah's 5th birthday. He is finally a whole hand, tall enough to get on the kiddie rides at Six Flags, old enough to start kindergarten, mature enough to use the big boy potty, spoiled enough to get so many gifts as if it was Christmas, and loved enough by everyone to last him a lifetime and beyond.