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Monday, July 25, 2011


Hey there readers! I just wanted to tell you all about a little something.

My dad is an inspiration to me. He has always been someone I can trust and someone I can turn to. He makes me laugh, he gives wonderful advice, and I seriously feel like I was blessed with such a great man to call my dad.

My dad has been battling his weight for some time now. When he was younger he was husky, but over the years his weight has reached a very unhealthy level. Eight years ago he was diagnosed with diabetes.

You would think that after being diagnosed with diabetes he would gain control, but he struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And as anyone knows who has ever struggled with their weight before, there are many contributing factors to this problem.

Just a month ago my father seen his doctor, only to discover that his blood sugar was so off the charts that he was nearly in a diabetic coma. His doctor told him if he didn't get a handle on things he may very well only have about 5 years left.

I guess something struck a cord with him and it stuck. One morning he woke up and just decided it was time for him to get serious. He realized he wanted to live life to its fullest, he wanted to see his grandson grow into a man, and he wanted to die a very old man.

It has now been only two months, but he has already lost 37 lbs! And this time he is sticking to his diet. He is learning new ways to eat healthy, how to exercise the right way, and become an overall healthier individual. And he isn't just losing weight. He is discovering a great deal about himself, both emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

And now instead of constantly updating his facebook status several times a day to share his weight loss journey with friends and family, he has taken my advice and created a blog...not only to share with friends and family, but to share with the world.

He has inspired me and I hope he is able to inspire others as well. Because it's never too late to make changes and it is never too late to live life. Check out his blog at the link listed below...

Wayne's Weight Loss Journey

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